While the pandemic still continues, it is extremely important that we focus on the society’s main objective, which is to provide HCPs a platform to learn, educate, network, and connect with each other and for this reason we have decided to keep the Congress a virtual one.
As we look back at the year 2021, EDES continued to provide exceptional quality of learning through its annual calendar of activities, starting from the 11th EDEC which had world renowned speakers, covering various advanced topics in Diabetes & Endocrinology.
This was followed up by topic focused educational content on Dyslipidaemia, Cardiometabolic Academy, Young Leader’s Forum and Thyroid.
While the digital space has made content easily accessible, and we at EDES have provided extremely rich and interactive content, leading to healthy discussions and highly engaging question and answer sessions.
At EDEC 2022, you can expect to listen, learn and interact with many imminent speakers, and continue the learning process on the latest advancements in the field of Diabetes & Endocrinology. You can also network with colleagues, submit abstracts and win rewards and be featured in the DDE journal.