Home CME Accredited Event Non DHA organized event The role of Gold NiTi & magnification in our daily endodontic practice

The role of Gold NiTi & magnification in our daily endodontic practice

Targeted Audience:

General Dentists, Endodontists


This presentation will discuss the problems related to shaping curved and calcified root canals. It will discuss the classification of NiTi files according to the evolution of design and processing. It will help interpret the scientific data related to the physical properties of the new generation “gold” NiTi files. The course will explain the recommended steps for safety and security

in shaping narrow and curved difficult canals. It will describe the dynamics of reciprocating and continuous rotating files to achieve the goals of enlarging and cleaning the canal space. The lecture will conclude on clinical-based experience and a comparison between both types of files. It will identify the indication of each type of file.
The lecturer will conclude on take-home messages of security and efficiency in shaping difficult root canal systems.

Learning Objectives

Discuss the problems related to shaping curved and calcified root canals
Discuss the classification of NiTi files
Understand the scientific data related to the physical properties of the new generation “gold” NiTi files.
Explain the recommended steps for safety and security.

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The event is finished.


14 Oct 2021


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


CAPP Training Institute, Dubai


Kinga ROMIK MOLLOV/CAPP Events & Training